Book your stock

Book your Home Kill stock in to Kintyre Meats, Gladstone, Wairarapa

Owner Accounts – “Home Kill” Sheep & Pigs

We can kill your sheep or pigs and deliver the carcass to the butcher of your choice. We will charge the butcher and they will include our fee in your processing invoice. Delivery to local Wairarapa butchers listed below is included in our price; delivery further afield will incur extra cost (please contact us).

Slaughter Fees 

Lambs $50; Hogget $100; Mutton $100; Ram $100; Pigs $100

(GST incl, charged to your processing butchery)


Animals to be delivered to our yards between 9am and 11am on Sunday. They will be killed Monday and delivered to your butcher Tuesday.

  • All livestock left on premises is at owners risk.
  • All carcasses are processed to MPI standards. Any farming faults or processing faults are at the owner’s risk. (If condemned for any reason you will be charged slaughter fee + GST)
  • All livestock need to be presented crutched around hind legs as excessive wool, dags or vegetation will prevent stock from being slaughtered. The maximum wool length is 80mm.
  • Rams/Pigs over 80kg live weight will be turned away.
  • No Offal will be collected or returned.


Processing Butchers

We can recommend the following Wairarapa butchers. Please make your own arrangements with them prior to drop off regarding butchery; they will charge you for the processing themselves and include our killing fee in their invoice. Please contact us if you’d like to use someone else, we are happy to arrange this for a slightly increased killing fee to cover additional freight.

  • Solway Butchers : Phone 06 378 6033
  • Homegrown: Phone 06 377 7951
  • Greytown Butcher : Phone 06 304 9550
  • Carterton Meat Processors : Phone 06 379 8181
  • Scotties Meats : Phone 06 306 9607
  • Big Apple : Phone 06 304 9322                                              
  • BAVARIA NZ LTD : Phone 0210 2825 871                            
  • Eketahuna Country Meats : Phone 06 370 3329             

All owner account stock MUST be accompanied with a completed Animal Status Declaration Form as per MPI Standards.
